Accident Reporting

This page provides information about traffic accident reporting requirements and procedures.
DMV Accident Reporting Requirements
You must file an Oregon Traffic Accident and Insurance Report (Form 735-32) with DMV within 72 hours when:
- Damage to the vehicle you were driving is over $1,500;
- Injury or death resulted from this accident;
- Damage to any vehicle is over $1,500 and any vehicle is towed from the scene as a result of damages from this accident; or
- Damages to any one person's property other than a vehicle involved in this accident is over $1,500.
Accidents in areas open to the public for the use of motor vehicles must be reported. Some drivers who are in accidents offer to fix the damage and try to get the other driver not to file a report. If you agree to do this, you are breaking the law if the amount of damage is more than $1,500. Always remember to keep a copy of your report for your own records.
You must file a report even if your vehicle was the only one in the crash. If you do not report an accident when required to do so, your driving privileges will be suspended.
If you were in a collision and the other party did not have insurance, you can report the collision to DMV. However, the accident may also go on your driving record, if you do not clearly indicate on the accident report that the accident does not meet mandatory reporting criteria.
Note: You must fill out an Oregon Traffic Accident and Insurance Report and return it to DMV if you meet the criteria above even if a police officer files a report. A police report does not satisfy or remove your requirement to file an accident report with DMV. You must do that yourself.
DMV Accident Reporting Procedures
- Fill Out an Accident and Insurance Report Form
Be as accurate as you can. Give as much information as you can about where, when and how the crash happened. Include all of your contact information and your liability insurance company. The accident will be listed on the driving record of those drivers involved in the accident who meet the reporting requirements. To acquire the necessary form:
- Download and print an Oregon Traffic Accident and Insurance Report (Form 735-32); or
- Pick up a report form at a police department, sheriff's office or your local DMV office.
If you are the driver or owner of a vehicle in an accident that must be reported, your report must show the name of your liability insurance company, not the insurance agent or agency, and the policy number. The insurance coverage you report is checked by DMV with the insurance company shown on the report.
If you did not have liability insurance at the time of the accident, your driving privileges will be suspended for one year. You must then file proof of future financial responsibility (SR-22) before your driving privileges will be reinstated.
An SR-22 filing is required for three years after the suspension ending date even if you were not at fault in the accident.
Insurance companies and agents must tell DMV about any accident where they have reason to believe a driver is uninsured. If the information is correct, the uninsured drivers driving privileges will be suspended for one year. After that, they will be under the future financial responsibility law for three years. This law applies even if the damage is $1,500 or less.
- Keep a Copy for Your Records
Under Oregon law ORS 802.220(5), DMV can not provide you a copy of your accident report. If you wish to have a complete copy of your report (front and back), you will need to make a copy for your records.
- Deliver a Completed Form to DMV
Deliver your completed Accident and Insurance Report Form to any DMV office or mail the form to:
Accident Reporting Unit
1905 Lana Ave NE
Salem, OR 97314
Law Enforcement Accident Reporting Requirements
A separate law from DMV reporting requirements is effective January 1, 2010, and requires you to immediately notify law enforcement by the quickest means available if you are a driver involved in an accident meeting any of the same criteria required under DMV Accident Reporting Requirements.
Use a non-emergency contact number to notify law enforcement. If the accident results in a serious injury or death, and the driver calls the emergency reporting system 9-1-1, then no additional notification to law enforcement is required.
If the driver is physically incapable of giving notice to a police officer or a law enforcement agency as required, then the occupant of a vehicle involved in the accident is responsible to notify law enforcement. Failure to report an accident to law enforcement when required to do so may result in a citation.
You must still file an Oregon Traffic Accident and Insurance Report (Form 735-32) with DMV as required under DMV Accident Reporting Requirements.